Support Our School

The staff of Galilee Montessori School is grateful for the friends and families who have walked our halls since we first opened our doors in 1988. We recognize that our school's community involvement is integral to maintaining our uniqueness, excellence, and commitment to preparing children for a world where they are confident, independent, and lifelong learners. 

Your many contributions - talent, time and financial support - are deeply appreciated. Below are just a few ways you can continue to support our school. 


Each classroom has created a class wish list for items meant to enhance the classroom experience. We invite our families and friends to support our classrooms via in-kind contributions. In the links below, you’ll find each classroom's list of items. Please note that your contribution towards the classroom wish list is optional.

Toddler Class Wish List

Children's House 1 Wish List

Children's House 3 Wish List

Elementary Wish List


Click here to see what volunteer opportunities are available! (Updated as needed) 


Below is a list of ongoing and one-time fundraisers. Our fundraisers contribute to the cost of our teaching staff's continuing education as well as purchasing and replenishing classroom materials. 

Grocery Store Fundraisers - Link your grocery store loyalty cards/accounts to our school! (Must re-enroll annually.) 

Harris Teeter - 2129

Kroger - KP636


Extra clothes (contact school for needed sizes)

Timothy hay

Small animal bedding